Address: 67 Edgewood Rd Ringwood, NJ 07456


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Sunday Service

19 January 2025
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About Us

the church

We Are a Church that Believes in Jesus

As a contemporary, life-giving church, we are without a doubt, a group of people who believe in Jesus! The scriptures are clear, Jesus is the only pathway to Heaven! He is the Son of God, and through Him, people can be saved and born-again. (Romans 10:9-10)

He is the only One who can forgive sin and disobedience to God! What Jesus did when He lived on the earth, what His death provided, and what His resurrection empowered, shows us that He is Alive! Because He lives, He has made a way for us to live with God forever!

When we ask Him to forgive us of our sins, He immediately forgives us, and gives us His life in exchange for our life! We are transformed by His Spirit and our old sinful nature is removed, and His Spirit comes to live inside of us.

Every one of us, has fallen short of the glory of God! We all need a Saviour! The most important decision you will ever make in this lifetime, is to say “yes” to Jesus and ask Him to come into your life and be your Lord and Saviour.

It is our intention, as a church, to present Jesus to you in a way, that is easy to understand, and in a way that excites you to desire all Jesus has for you in this life and in the life to come!

May your journey with God, continue to unfold, as you connect with the One who loves you just the way you are! His desire is to see you fulfill His plan for your life as a follower of His!

As a church, we love God and love people! Let us know, how we can help you in your relationship with the Creator of all things, Jesus Christ!

Jere & Kim Peterson

Lead Pastors


Upcoming Events

Sunday Service
Sun, Jan 19
Sunday Service
Sun, Jan 26
Sunday Service
Sun, Feb 02

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Current Series:Graphic

Join us for our current series "The Spirit of God". We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday gatherings to study the Bible together.


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